I am a sensual creature.
My sensuality can be seen and felt in almost everything I do, from how I move across a room, to how I shift my car into Drive, touch your arm, or your... This quality is not something I work to create, it is woven into the fabric of my Being.
Perhaps I was made for this work...
I love what I do. The more I touch people, the more I want to touch people. Perhaps that response is caused by all the oxytocin that is released through sensual touch. I find the work heart-opening in a way that my corporate jobs never could. Most satisfying for me is the deep sense of reverence I experience for my guests and a desire to have them feel seen and cared for.
I am a corporate escapee, who after many years of training in alternative healing methods, such as massage, acupressure, Reiki and sound healing, made the leap from spreadsheets and trade shows to massage oil and pleasure tripping. While I can design and create custom databases and produce financial statements for board members, I believe I contribute most to the world by tapping into my essence as a healer and joy-bringer, and by sharing those aspects of myself with those who come to see me.
I am fortunate to possess not only a beautiful body but a keenly perceptive hospitality-oriented mind that I put to use in creating an exquisite experience for you. I have a playful and unapologetically sensual nature. I'm grounded and affectionate, with an intuitive, skilled touch and a passion for healing through pleasure. All of these traits together make me exceptionally good at what I do.
We all need touch to stay connected to our humanity. Our bodies were designed to be nourished by touch. As your sensate muse, I delight in guiding you on a journey designed to connect with your essential sensual, erotic self and instill in you sense memories of exquisite sensations that inspire your daily life and have you feeling rejuvenated and connected to your core vitality. In savoring the experience, we may create an access point for you to know the fullness of your own being. This is my desire for you. From this place, so much good is possible.
May your body be blessed.
May you realize that your body is a faithful and beautiful friend of your soul.
May you recognize that your senses are sacred thresholds.
May your senses gather you and bring you home
Old Celtic Blessing
"Anam Cara: a book of Celtic Wisdom," by John O'Donohue.