Amazing benefits of touch and why hormone, oxytocin, is so vital to our all well being

Touch is so vital to humans, and most of us don’t get nearly enough of it. Babies deprived of touch don’t develop normally because certain connections in the brain actually disappear. Orphans who receive very, very little touch often die as a result, and those who survive can experience permanent physical and mental retardation. Kids who don’t get enough touch grow up to become aggressive and antisocial adults. Older adults who don’t get enough touch also suffer, becoming senile sooner, and dying earlier. We’re all affected by touch, and it’s not “all in the mind”; rather it’s the result of complex hormonal responses, which actually change our bodies and brains.

The Oxytocin Love Loop

Touch causes our bodies to produce a hormone called oxytocin. Not only does touch stimulate production of oxytocin, but oxytocin promotes a desire to touch and be touched: it’s a feedback loop that can have wonderful results. Oxytocin makes us feel good about the person who causes the oxytocin to be released, and it causes a bonding between the two persons.

10 main benefits to improve your life with oxytocin

1. Oxytocin plays a significant role in our sexuality.

Higher levels of oxytocin result in greater sexual receptivity, and because oxytocin increases testosterone production (which is responsible for sex drive in both men and women) sex drive can also increase.

Oxytocin levels correlate positively with enhanced sexual behavior, and intensity of feelings of romantic love.

2. Oxytocin increases the sensitivity.

The penis and the nipples, improves erections, and makes both orgasm and ejaculation stronger; it may even increase sperm counts.

3.  Oxytocin  can help you lose weight.

Oxytocin helps to increase our feelings of well being, it helps us have more energy, it helps reduce the intensity of our stress experience thereby setting the grounds for weight loss. When we feel less stressed, have more energy and feel better about ourselves we are more likely to make better food choices, and enjoy the benefits of exercise.

4. It can help you fight disease and disorders.

Keeping you healthy and feeling better longer. Nowadays its a common known fact that most of our diseases are related to stress. To state this differently, if you listed all the conditions and diseases related to stress or aggravated by stress, you’d have to list nearly every known condition. Oxytocin is the “anti-stress” hormone. By easing stress, oxytocin supports the healing of all stress related conditions.

5. Oxytocin can help stop smoking.

Oxytocin and nicotine have much in common. Both calm anxiety. Both light up the brain’s “reward center” – a network of cells linked to pleasure. But oxytocin is clearly the healthier of the two chemicals, and researchers think it may have the power to help smokers “kick butts.” Oxytocin’s reputation as the “love hormone” is actually the reason why support groups benefit people with addictions, scientists say. Those with bad habits to kick reinforce feelings of safety and trust among peers when they meet to talk about their struggles, a process that triggers the release of oxytocin in the brain.

6. It can make you feel better.

Oxytocin plays a vital role in promoting factors that enhance well-being. First, Oxytocin plays a critical role at enhancing factors within the individual which promote well-being. Oxytocin induces increase in level of trust and reduction of fear through modulating the response of amygdala and other central structures to stress and fear. Oxytocin increases approach and prosocial behaviour and enhances social interactions, as evidenced by human and animal studies. Oxytocin reduces subjective sense of anxiety, increases overall calm and is implicated in non-verbal intelligence. Oxytocin is also implicated in many physiological effects, including reduction in free cortisol levels, blood pressure, analgesia and pro-wound healing.

How can we increase touch in our life’s?

We need to retrain ourselves and look for opportunities to touch. Even a gentle brief touch has an effect, and the more the better. Learn to walk hand-in-hand or arm-in-arm. When you go to church, or watch TV, or sit talking to friends, sit close enough to touch each other. When you’re both reading find a way to be in contact with each other … even sitting at opposite ends of the couch with your feet touching will work. When you are eating together play footsies. Rub each other’s shoulders or feet, or give a long massage. Do anything which brings your body into contact with your spouse, and do it often. And don’t forget your kids, they need touch too!!

A list of natural ways to increase oxytocin:

• Offer a sweet kiss

• Share a warm hug

• Cuddle

• Make love

• Have an orgasm (alone or with someone else)

• Sing in a choir

• Give someone a neck rub

• Hold a baby

• Stroke a dog or cat

• Perform a generous act

• Pray or meditate

• Root for your team

And the most affective out of all is Sensual Massage!
